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The size and shape of your rear are essential factors for an attractive and properly-proportioned body. For people who want a shapelier bottom without butt implants, a Chicago Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is the ideal option.

The BBL is one of the country’s most popular plastic surgeries. The procedure involves removing fat from a problem area – the abdomen is a popular choice – which is washed and processed, then injected into the rear.

When performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, a Brazilian butt lift is both safe and effective. But how long will your BBL results last?

Brazilian Butt Lift Overview

The Brazilian butt lift is a fat transfer procedure that improves the size and shape of the rear without silicone implants. Many patients prefer the natural approach of the BBL. Plus, you get fat removed from a problem area, too, so it’s a win-win.

It’s essential to select a skilled and experienced surgeon for your Brazilian butt lift. Injecting the fat safely and adequately is critical for the best results.

Note that a BBL doesn’t precisely ‘lift’ your rear, meaning it will not tighten loose skin. If you are troubled by loose skin, you may need to look at a Chicago thigh lift or butt lift that trims away extra skin.

If you have sagging skin in the abdomen, you may want a Chicago tummy tuck.

Why Get A Brazilian Butt Lift?

The BBL offers two promising results. First, it provides you with a shapelier rear that is more in proportion with your body. The rear can still be rather flat and shapeless despite regular exercise, including squats and other leg exercises. A BBL provides the shape and volume you’ve been craving.

Second, the fat is transferred from an area that is difficult to slim, such as the belly or flanks. Many BBL patients marvel at losing fat for a slimmer look and gaining attractive volume in the butt.

Third, this procedure offers safer and more natural results than implants. Silicone implants can be successful, but the procedure is invasive, and you need at least two months to recover. Implants can also look more obvious and less natural.

Fourth, fat injections have a lower complication rate than other rear procedures. As long as a board-certified surgeon does the procedure, you will probably love the results.

BBL Procedure Details

The general steps for the BBL are:

General Or IV Sedation

Most surgeons perform BBL with general or IV sedation, and they may use local anesthesia, too. However, if the fat transfer procedure uses a smaller amount, local anesthesia may be appropriate.

Fat Suction

The plastic surgeon will make small incisions in the donor site and insert a cannula to suck out the fat with Chicago liposuction. Popular areas for fat harvesting include the abdomen, thighs, hips, and lower back.

Fat Processing

Next, the surgeon processes and cleans the fat to remove oil and other substances.


After processing and cleaning, the purified fat is injected into specific points in the buttocks to boost shape and volume. Most surgeons make three to five incisions in the buttocks to transfer the fat.


Next, the incisions in the donor site and buttocks are closed with stitches. The surgeon also uses a compression technique to reduce bleeding and swelling.

Most BBL procedures result in about 70% of the transferred fat surviving. So, your surgeon will overfill the buttocks slightly to give you the desired results. The rejected fat will be removed naturally over a few weeks by metabolic processes.

After BBL

A Brazilian butt lift changes the shape of your frame, buttocks, and waist in a complimentary way. While only about 70% of the fat survives, your surgeon will account for this during the procedure.

You will notice significant swelling in the buttocks after surgery. You also may see that your rear doesn’t feel as soft or firm as it should, but this will resolve over a few weeks.

The butt will make other fat cells as you recover, which will boost the volume further. However, most patients have a stable, final result after three to six months.

How Long Does A BBL Last?

After you go through fat harvesting and injection for your procedure, it’s natural to wonder how long it will last. Is it permanent?

When the surgery is done correctly and allowed to heal correctly, the results will last many years. In that way, it’s usually referred to as a semi-permanent procedure. This is because your fat is semi-permanent too. But what does that mean?

Over the years, your buttocks will change as you age. That will happen whether you have a Brazilian butt lift or not.

How long the BBL lasts depends on how well you care for yourself after surgery. While your surgeon’s skill is vital to a long-term result, there are things you can do to make your results last even longer.

No Sitting Or Lying On Rear

It’s important not to sit or lie directly on your buttocks for at least two weeks after surgery. This means you shouldn’t sit in a desk chair, drive, or lie on your back while sleeping.

After two weeks, you can probably use a donut cushion for sitting at work or behind the wheel.

Sitting too soon on your backside will compromise your results and damage the newly-transferred fat.


Don’t eat a poor diet that can cause the fat cells to decrease. Fat cells are attracted to some kinds of fat, so eating healthy fats can speed your recovery and give the transferred fat more chance to survive.


Exercising often will improve your long-term results. After three or four weeks, you should be able to return to vigorous activities but check with your surgeon first.

No Smoking

It’s important not to smoke because it affects the oxygen level in the bloodstream. In addition, smoking will make the recovery take longer and may harm the new fat cells.

Request A Brazilian Butt Lift Consultation

Thinking about a Brazilian butt lift in Chicago? Dr. Otto Placik is proud to serve Chicago area patients at his practice. He’ll go over the options, goals, and more to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for a Brazilian butt lift.


Brazilian Butt Lift Overview. (n.d.). Accessed at https://www.healthline.com/health/brazilian-butt-lift

Despite Its Risk, The Brazilian Butt Lift Is Here To Stay. (2021). Accessed at https://www.verywellhealth.com/brazilian-butt-lift-risk-5198220

Author: Dr. Otto Placik

Dr. Otto Placik is a Double-Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Chicago, a leader in the field of body sculpting, and is recognized for his artistry in a wide range of modern cosmetic enhancements.


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