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Breast Augmentation for Athletes: Understanding Breast Implants and Surgery Options

Breast Augmentation Options for Athletes Breast augmentation surgery for female athletes involves a completely different approach in comparison for an individual who is just looking to improve their aesthetics. This is because when going through with surgery, athletes need to have the procedure tailored to their unique needs, which is balancing athletics with functionality. Female […]


Considering Implants? Here’s Some Things to Consider

The most commonly performed plastic surgery in the US is breast augmentation. Before moving forward with this procedure, it’s essential to gather as much information as you can. Below are some things to consider before you have breast augmentation surgery. Which procedure method should you get? There are several ways to increase the cup size […]


Here’s how you get the best results after getting a nose job

Hundreds of thousands of Americans opt for rhinoplasty annually to enjoy a more attractive nose, easier breathing, and improved sleep. A rhinoplasty, or nose job, is significant surgery, and you will need several weeks to recover. However, you can make this process go faster if you keep the following rhinoplasty recovery tips in mind. Listen […]


Everything About Closed Scarless Rhinoplasty

Are you unhappy with your nose? Then you may be searching for a way to change its appearance without scarring. A scarless rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that uses incisions in the nostrils, so there are few scars on the outside. Unlike open rhinoplasty, scarless rhinoplasty is often used to reshape the nose tip, shorten […]


So You Just Had a Mastectomy, Here are Your Options

If you had a mastectomy recently, it’s understandable to want to return to normalcy as soon as you can. Getting breast implants can help you do that. As you are considering breast reconstruction with your surgeon, there are many things to consider. Your surgeon will present you with many breast reconstruction options that can be done […]


Top 7 Tummy Tuck Questions Answered

Many women who have been pregnant work hard to lose their baby weight but still may have loose skin and extra fat in the midsection. Pregnancy stretches the abdominal skin and may separate the abdominal muscles, leaving the belly with loose, sagging skin. A Chicago tummy tuck can eliminate this extra skin and give you […]


How Botox Can Be Used for a Brow Lift

The forehead can show lines and wrinkling as we age, and the skin may sag. While a traditional Chicago brow lift is an option to correct these problems, not everyone wants or needs this surgical procedure. An alternative is a Botox brow lift. This non-surgical procedure treats the brow to reduce lines and wrinkles. Chicago […]


What You Need to Know About Getting a Second Nose Job (Revision Rhinoplasty)

One of the more challenging plastic surgeries is rhinoplasty, also known as a ‘nose job.’ The nose is complex and highly visible, and rhinoplasty requires a surgeon with a high degree of skill to correct any deformities and preserve functionality. While many patients are pleased with their Chicago rhinoplasty, there are situations where revision rhinoplasty […]


Understanding Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Risks

Women who want breast augmentation without implants increasingly turn to Chicago fat transfer breast augmentation. This procedure is performed to increase the size of the breasts naturally. Instead of breast implants, the surgeon uses Chicago liposuction to remove fat from a problem area, like the abdomen or sides. Then, the fat is washed, processed, and […]


Can You Breastfeed with Breast Implants?

If you think about Chicago breast augmentation and plan to have children, you may wonder if you can still breastfeed. The good news is most women who have breast implants can breastfeed, but there are some things to keep in mind. First, how easy it is to breastfeed depends on the state of the breasts […]



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