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What is rhinoplasty?

Your nose is a central and defining feature of your face. Dr. Placik’s Chicago rhinoplasty surgery, known informally as a nose job, helps you to refine the appearance of your nose for a better and more integrated fit with your face. This procedure can help with various concerns including:

  • Reduce a hump on the bridge of the nose
  • Refine the tip
  • Straighten a crooked nose
  • accomplish other aesthetic improvements

Rhinoplasty Doctor Chicago

Dr. Otto Placik is a rhinoplasty specialist and board-certified plastic surgeon. In addition to cosmetic nose surgery, he also performs reconstructive rhinoplasty to correct birth defects, repair injuries to the nose, and improve breathing and airflow. The best rhinoplasty surgeons are skilled at improving a wide range of problems and concerns with the nose and achieving a patient’s expectations. For more subtle changes or a temporary correction of a minor bump or irregularity, Dr. Placik can also perform a nonsurgical rhinoplasty using injectable fillers.

Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty in Chicago

Please contact us online or call our Chicago or Arlington Heights plastic surgery offices for more information on one of the best surgical rhinoplasty Chicago has to offer.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Chicago

Dr. Otto Joseph Placik Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Placik is a board certified plastic surgeon in Chicago and an active member of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons. He received his medical degree from Northwestern University where he also completed residencies in general and plastic and reconstructive surgery.


Before & After

About Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic nose surgery can achieve dramatic results for both men and women who have noticeable bumps, asymmetry or other issues with their nose, as well as achieve more subtle results for people who simply want to correct a slight bump, indentation or anomaly. The degree of improvement depends on your existing anatomy and what you’d like to achieve.

Dr. Placik is careful to assess the appearance of your nose in relation to your other facial features. After surgery, it’s important for your nose to be in harmony with your overall facial profile, and Dr. Placik may recommend other facial cosmetic procedures such as chin augmentation to create the optimal proportions.

How will my rhinoplasty be performed?

Your Chicago rhinoplasty can be performed in an outpatient surgery setting or in a hospital, depending on your preferences. During surgery, you will be under general anesthesia so will sleep comfortably through the procedure. To perform cosmetic nose surgery, Dr. Placik makes incisions inside the nose and then carefully revises the shape of the cartilage and bone structure. He may also use an open rhinoplasty approach, which allows a direct view of and access to these structures.

What can I expect after my rhinoplasty?

Within two weeks of surgery, you’ll begin to see early results, as the bruising and swelling subside. The nose will continue to subtly change shape and contour for some months after your surgery, having corrected those cosmetic and other concerns you presented with, and giving you a nose that blends in with the overall appearance of your face and accentuates natural beauty.

Patient Not a Model

Open vs Closed Rhinoplasty

As every nose is different and every patient’s anatomy and goals different, no two rhinoplasty surgeries are identical. Yet all surgical rhinoplasties can be placed in one of two categories: Open Rhinoplasty or Closed Rhinoplasty. These are the options and techniques available to you and your surgeon in order to get the best possible result.

Rhinoplasty Chicago

Open Rhinoplasty and Closed Rhinoplasty refer simply to the way the surgical procedure is done, and more specifically, to the way your surgeon creates access to the underlying bones, cartilage and nasal structure. An Open Rhinoplasty entails making a small incision in the columella at the base of the nose, and a small incision inside each nostril that provides surgical access for the operation. A Closed Rhinoplasty accomplishes roughly the same access without cutting any exterior skin, but instead placing two cuts in each nostril for access to the bone and cartilage in need of adjustment or reshaping. Depending on what conditions and concerns you present with, as well as what the surgeon is trying to accomplish, both Open and Closed Rhinoplasties have their own unique advantages, and either approach can be used to meet many of a patient’s needs including resizing, proportioning, reducing or removing bumps, and correcting asymmetry.

Chicago Rhinoplasty Recovery

Congratulations! You’ve completed your rhinoplasty and are ready to walk the short road to recovery. As rhinoplasty is considered a major surgery, you should be prepared for several days of downtime and relaxation. Most of our patients are ready to return to work, school and social activities within 4 to 5 days of rhinoplasty surgery, while continuing to avoid strenuous activities, lifting and sports for 2 to 3 weeks.

Elevation, Icing & Pain Medication.

Throughout recovery, you will take pain medication and will do best to keep your head elevated and apply cold compresses near the affected areas without applying direct pressure to your nose. Applying wrapped ice or cold compresses should be done intermittently; ice should be applied for 10-15 minutes at a time, but no longer.

Rhinoplasty Swelling

After surgery, you’ll notice moderate to considerable swelling and bruising around your nose and eyes that possibly reaches into your forehead. This will subside greatly within the first 2 to 3 days. After surgery, you will also be scheduled to return to the office within a few days to ensure your recovery is progressing smoothly and to have your sutures removed. You will also likely be wearing a nose splint for the first few days so that your nose sets well in its new shape. As swelling continues to diminish, it will reach a point where from your perspective, it may still seem quite swollen. In reality, you and your surgeon are usually the only ones to notice it at this point, and any remaining bruising and discoloration can be hidden by makeup, and you may return to work and social activities.

Rhinoplasty FAQ

Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

Dr. Placik performs rhinoplasty for anyone who is unhappy with or seeks to improve the shape of his or her nose. Typically, our Chicago rhinoplasty patients feel that their noses are too large or too long, too wide in places, crooked or off-center, or have unwanted bumps or ridges. The best candidates are physically mature, and aware of the fact that improving physical appearance doesn’t always mean outright perfection — although we’ll strive to meet your every expectation!

How much does rhinoplasty cost?

Rhinoplasty pricing is contingent on a number of factors, such as a patient’s existing anatomy and goals, and where the procedure is performed. We will review costs with you in detail during your consultation and Dr. Placik and his staff strive to provide excellent value and can help you with cosmetic surgery financing to make your procedure affordable.


While there are risks associated with all surgeries, rhinoplasty complications are rare. It is, however, one of the most exacting cosmetic surgeries available and choosing an experienced and board-certified cosmetic surgeon is vital. On your first visit, Dr. Placik will go over a complete list of side effects and possible complications that may occur after rhinoplasty. While complications are rare, they may include:

  • A reaction to the anesthesia
  • Infection and bleeding at incision sites
  • Scarring and tissue damage

In rare cases where a complication occurs or further cosmetic work is needed, a revision rhinoplasty procedure can be performed.

Dr. Placik promises you his best possible care and attention. If you would like to schedule a private Chicago nose job consultation, please contact us online or call us at 847-398-1660.

Dr. Otto Placik performing a Rhinoplasty Surgery

This is a closed rhinoplasty recorded via Snapchat.

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